Healing Stones Properties


Disorders: helps with Allergies, Asthma, Blood Disorders, Cancer, Digestive Tract Disorders, Frigidity, Glandular Disorders, Gynecological Disorders, Hemorrhoid, Infertility, Migraine, Neurological Disorders, Non-cancerous Tumors, Pulmonary Problems, Sores. It helps with Creativity, brings Good Luck, helps with Intuition Development, Love Attraction, and brings Protection against Accidents.

Personal Improvement: Help with Creativity, Good Luck, Intuition Development, Love Attraction, Protection against Accidents.


Disorders: Allergies, Arthritis, Digestive Tract Disorders, Infertility, Migraine, Poor Memory, Skin Disorders, Sleeping problems.

Personal Improvement: Energy Protection against Curse and Evil Eye, Good Luck, Intuition Development, help with Meditation, Mental Clarity, Optimism and Cheerfulness, Spiritual Development in General, to overcome Substance Abuse.


Disorders: Allergies, Blood Disorders, Diabetes, Eye and Vision Problems, Glandular Disorders, Gynecological Disorders, Heart and Circulatory Problems, Hypertension, Inflammation, Joint and Bone Problems, Neurological Disorders, Non-cancerous Tumors, Skin Disorders, Sleeping problems.

Personal Improvement: Family Integrity Improvement, Financial Success and Professional Development, Longevity, Love Attraction, Mental Clarity, Optimism and Cheerfulness, Protection against Accidents, Protection against Adultery and Betrayal, Speech Improvement, Tranquility.


Disorders: Cancer, Depression, Heart and Circulatory Problems, Inflammation, Joint and Bone Problems, Migraine, Pulmonary problems.

Personal Improvement: Love Attraction.


Disorders: Digestive Tract Disorders, Heart and Circulatory Problems, Inflammation, Liver and Gallbladder problems, Poor Memory.

Personal Improvement: Help with Creativity, Financial Success and Professional Development, Optimism and Cheerfulness, Protection against Accidents, Stamina Enhancement.


Disorders: Allergies, Arthritis, Blood Disorders, Dementia, Depression, Ear and Hearing Problems, Gynecological Disorders, Heart and Circulatory Problems, Hypertension, Neurological Disorders, Psoriasis, Pulmonary problems, Sleeping problems.

Personal Improvement: Energy Protection against Curse and Evil Eye, Protection against Jealousy, Teaching Abilities.


Disorders: Asthma, Cancer, Digestive Tract Disorders, Ear and Hearing Problems, Hemorrhoid, Hypertension, Kidney and Urinary Problems, Male Sexual Dysfunction, Migraine, Skin Disorders.

Personal Improvement: Energy Protection against Curse and Evil Eye, Family Integrity Improvement, Longevity, help with Meditation, Mental Clarity, Protection against Accidents, Tranquility.


Disorders: Dementia, Depression, Migraine, Poor Memory.

Personal Improvement: Energy Protection against Curse and Evil Eye, Intuition Development, help with Meditation, Relaxation.


Disorders: Allergies, Asthma, Blood Disorders, Cancer, Depression, Eye and Vision Problems, Glandular Disorders, Infertility, Joint and Bone Problems, Kidney and Urinary Problems, Liver and Gallbladder problems, Neurological Disorders, Skin Disorders.

Personal Improvement: Good Luck, help with Meditation, Mental Clarity.


Disorders: Depression, Edema, Glandular Disorders, Joint and Bone Problems, Kidney and Urinary Problems, Poor Memory, Sleeping problems, Pulmonary problems.

Personal Improvement: Intuition Development, Longevity, help with Meditation, Relaxation, Stamina Enhancement, Tranquility.


Disorders: Asthma, Blood Disorders, Diabetes, Frigidity, Glandular Disorders, Gynecological Disorders, Joint and Bone Problems, Migraine, Neurological Disorders, Pulmonary problems.

Personal Improvement: Family Integrity Improvement (for women), Financial Success and Professional Development (for women), Good Luck, Longevity (for women), Protection against Adultery and Betrayal.


Disorders: Glandular Disorders, Frigidity, Male Sexual Dysfunction, Neurological Disorders, Infertility, Strengthening of Immune System.

Personal Improvement: Help with Creativity, Financial Success and Professional Development, Optimism and Cheerfulness, Realistic Attitude, Speech Improvement, Spiritual Development in General, Stamina Enhancement, to overcome Substance Abuse.


Disorders: Arthritis, Asthma, Dementia, Digestive Tract Disorders, Eye and Vision Problems, Gynecological Disorders, Infertility, Joint and Bone Problems, Liver and Gallbladder problems, Skin Disorders, Sleeping problems, Pulmonary problems.

Personal Improvement: Helps with Creativity, Energy Protection against Curse and Evil Eye, Family Integrity Improvement, Financial Success and Professional Development, Intuition Development, Mental Clarity, Optimism and Cheerfulness, Protection against Adultery and Betrayal, Protection against Jealousy, Realistic Attitude, Speech Improvement, Spiritual Development in General, Stamina Enhancement, Teaching Abilities.


Disorders: Digestive Tract Disorders, Eye and Vision Problems, Heart and Circulatory Problems, Liver and Gallbladder problems, Neurological Disorders, Sleeping problems.

Personal Improvement: Help with Creativity, Energy Protection against Curse and Evil Eye, Family Integrity Improvement, Financial Success and Professional Development, Intuition Development, Longevity, Love Attraction, Protection against Accidents, Self-Esteem Improvement.